So I have always wanted to be one of those wives that creates the "perfect" meal plan for the next two weeks and it'll all be great! Hahahaha well I don't know about the rest of you but having a baby, a job, a husband, a house, and pets makes this seem like an impossible task!! BUT I am determined to do this, why? Well for one because I feel like it will save us money and be a little healthier for us as we have this bad habit of eating out, a lot! Plus I do love to cook and want to be one of those moms/wives who everyone is like wow she makes the best food!!! LOL so on that note I spent most of the morning planning out our days for the next two weeks and then going through our cabinets/fridge/freezer to see what we already have and then making a master grocery list. The baby just went down for a nap so we will have to wait to head to the grocery store but I feel good....this'll get easier the more I do it right??!
So here's the plan:
- Today - Meatloaf and scalloped potatoes (I've actually never made meatloaf and the potatoes are from a box LOL)
- Tuesday - Nothing....I work a 10-11 hour day most Tuesdays so these are free days :)
- Wednesday - Slow Cooker Jambalaya (This is one of our favorite things for me to make!)
- Thursday - Left overs cause it makes a ton!
- Friday - Taco Pockets (New recipe)
- Saturday - Potato Pizza Casserole
- Sunday - Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches
- Monday - Honey Chicken Kabobs and Corn on the cob on the grill (Hopefully the weather is nice!!)
- Tuesday - Nothing
- Wednesday - Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff (another of our favorites)
- Thursday - Chicken Broccoli Tater Tot Hotdish (See my previous blog!)
- Friday - Lasagna
- Saturday - Nothing (we have a wedding that night)
Plus I'm planning on freezing a bunch of items to start re-stocking our freezer. All of the casseroles are usually in 9x13 pans but that just makes way too much for us to eat so I will split all of them into two 8x8 pans and make one and freeze one! And then the Taco Pockets I will freeze anything we don't eat as well as the Buffalo Chicken sandwiches.
Well here goes nothing!! The plan is to blog every recipe as well so check back everyday to see the recipe and how it all turns out!!!
:) You're making me hungry!